I liked the idea. How you will continue it will be interesting.
This is the very 1st piece of Flash I did back in 2003. I re-found it on a disc when I was uploading stuff onto my new PC, and now here it is.
Maybe one day I will finish the story...
EDIT: my more recent Flash work is under the Newgrounds username 48Prong. I no longer have the original email address or sign in info for it, so I had to start a new account. Work has already begun on the second episode of the Derek the Tapeworm series. As seen in some of my more recent work, I have gotten a bit better since 2003 and plan on making the new episode of Derek more or less animated mostly in frame by frame and a bit less tweening.
I liked the idea. How you will continue it will be interesting.
Not bad for you first flast at all, 2003 you say?
I'm glad you did not lose your first peace of work, hold it dear and keep it near :P
But now you must put out part 2
get to work friend..... :P
your replies have inspired me to begin work on part 2. thanks for your comments.
not bad
not bad, could do better, needs work
This was made in 2003!?
How was it possible to make this in 2003?Flash from now has the same kind of graphics as this one!
up until recently, I have been using Flash 4 (circa 1996). I very recently started using MX. This cartoon was drawn using the pencil tool, which I now despise and never use. I always found the paintbrush tool in Flash 4 to be the best. I recently got a Tablet PC, and drawing directly onto the screen has made things so much easier in MX.
Not bad.
Animation's decent, and the voice acting's pretty good.