This is SHIT! Everything is crap and makes no sense! And that is the worst loading bar I have ever seen in my life! How is this a parod of KH and Pokemon? It doesn't remind me of it or look's like it! THIS IS SHIT!
A Flash collab by Squid and me (Solo) to parody Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon at the same time that took roughly 4 hours to make. Phear it and vote 5!
The 'win' music does not carry over to the next replay anymore. Fix'd!
Oh, and one more thing! You might need to watch this in Low or Medium quality.. It lags on High sometimes.. <_< THANKS FOR VIEWAGE. And if you can find the secret message, DO AS IT SAYS! Lol.
This is SHIT! Everything is crap and makes no sense! And that is the worst loading bar I have ever seen in my life! How is this a parod of KH and Pokemon? It doesn't remind me of it or look's like it! THIS IS SHIT!
mvr111 in right!
your voting for this too much u cheater ! get lost
I lost my will to live
i thought that maybe peopel were being harsh when i read the reviews before i played this flash... well turns out that they were right this was terrible. I couldn't tell what was what, and it wasn't funny. Some stuff went by to quickly making it hard to read. If this was sppose to be a parody, then damn.. i wonder what crap really is...
i died inside
the animation was crap and so was the plot, now u have somewhat of an excuse if this was your first flash but its still doesnt cover that PEACE OF CRAP you've posted
You spelled 'piece' wrong dummy.
this is so bad my eyes bleed ......come on . you draw like a retarded 1 year old
ps : the loading bar is crap
At least Squid was creative enough to make his own loading screen instead of the generic NG's one that is free for everyone to use but doesn't require knowledge of actionscript.