Looks like you done most of it and he told you what to do. :3
Lmao. ;)
part 2! for people who enjoyed part 1!
for people who did'nt know my little brother ryan aged 4 work'ed on this with a little help with his big brother^^ he loved to see the reviews of the last and it made his day so much he want'ed to make a new one! with his choice of audio of course hehe!
enjoy please reveiw as he loves reading them!
Looks like you done most of it and he told you what to do. :3
Lmao. ;)
very cool love it!
<3 this alot!
NICE!! i wish mine was better like that
ugh, thanks dude
Love the idea
You can get very creative with this. Make the dot go on adventures ect...
Great job for a 4 yr old.
hehe! maybe on part 3 thanks for my reveiw
my brother is making me start up flash for part 3 ( but i don't think it will be here soon)
thx =3
saying your brother is 4 this is very very good hehe welldone keep it up little dude =D
thanks dude my brother is jumping for joy!