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The Last Hour: Chapter 9

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The Last Hour series is an award winning series that is about the alternative interpretation of the Last Hours on earth before the coming of Christ. In this version of Revelations, the Anti-Christ allies himself with an alien race from the planet of Jaiba.

From the vault of Jaiba Productions, Jaiba productions proudly presents to you, the newest installment of The Last Hour series.

The Last Hour: Chapter 9 (The Rescue)
The rebels finally send another spy battle ship, the MadFalconX14 to search for the remains of MadFalconX13. The rebels hope to rescue the pilot of MadFalconX13 if he is still alive, and to gather more information about this mysterious planet, Jaiba. Previously on the last chapter of the Last Hour series, we finally meet the aliens of Jaiba, and it is revealed that the spy pilot is still alive, but time is running short for this pilot. Can MadFalconX14 get there in time to rescue the spy, or will it be too late for the rebellion? Find out as the adventure continues!

I hope you enjoy the series.
***I will respond to every single review. I'll be happy to take your criticism, and i'll take your suggestions into consideration. It's my promise for taking the time to watch this chapter. It will be perfect for you to increase your review/response ratio. Thanks again.***


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Too-brief animation; too-long intro.

"Find out as the adventure continues." the intro said.

"I bet I won't," I thought to myself. And yep - I was right. Once again, you've got an episode where the text tells us more than the animation. Where the animation shows nothing you haven't already stated.

I did like the gradient on the ship's window and the planet looked good.

But the brevity was ridiculous.

- Review Request Club -


Im getting tired of reviewing these because theyve all been the same apart from 10.

the graphics are good but the lack of any action and more intense animation is quite painful which is why this will never be that popular. Plus I don't really like the theme either. I like Star wars but this is a bit stupid. Be more original. You know what Im saying in general this is like the 5th review ive left you lmao.

Review Request Club

Thumbs DOWN

Well...There isn't much to review about as it had hardly anything it it, but here goes...

Graphics were ok but The only good thing was the 3D feel of the spaceship flying through space. The feet and the stairs looking thing were dismal, graphics wise.

Animation: The animation was ok at the very start but once it changed scenes to the walking part, I nearly shat my pants. The fog moving away was choppy and the feet didn't even look like they were going down stairs.

Sound: Nothing to report on sound as there was hardly any apart from music.

Overall: This was extrelemy short and I think that this is your WORST yet.

>Review Request Club<


Seriously, is this the penultimate chapter in what we're seeing of this 'series'? You have the audacity to bring us a tantalising piece of animation that is probably worthy of more stars than this reviewer says. However, I'm just expressing my frustration at the lack of animation that we see here after a disgustingly long introduction.

What have you actually done in this scene? Bridged a gap between the laughably short scene 8 and the promising looking scene 10. I only hope that it is worth my time to watch and review that.

As I've said in practically all of my review for this story, it is maybe a 3 part series at best. I've been vindicated in these thoughts, as your scenes have not grown in length over the course and some of them are even shorter than the original ones.

Now that this series is drawing to a close, hopefully you can turn your attention to where you went wrong with this. I know you've won awards for this series, though so far I can't see why. Prove to me that you can do some decent animating, as your drawing skills have improved over time and I'm sure they will continue to do so. Why not try to make the next project a 1 part job that everyone can appreciate on the merits of the flash itself? If you struggle with Grammar, give me a private message, I'll be happy to help, as it's one of the things that you could certainly stand to improve on.

[Review Request Club]


"What? That's all?"

This is what I thought when the words "to be continued" appeared on the screen.
A flying space ship, some nice music. Some legs walking... end?

There isn't hardly anything to review here... ah well.

Graphics: Nice, especially the ship was drawn very well.
Audio: The music was nice and fitting.
Animations: Well, not much animations in here. Some tracing and that's about it.
Story: Can't say much about it, as there where no story elements present here.

Conclusion: Seriously, pack all the chapters into one flash and then re-submit it. If you do so, you should make sure to pack a few scenes in between the various chapters, to interconnect the scenes with each other.

{ Review Request Club }

Credits & Info

1.33 / 5.00

Aug 17, 2008
12:04 AM EDT