Unintentionally funny.
The whole intro seems unintentionally funny with the overacting when saying 'The Last Hoooooooooooooooowwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaar...', the mess-up when going through the titles... and how is it award winning? Just because the previous episode got a daily 3rd? Do you need to harp on about it so much? And why is it 'legendary'? It just seems like needless hyerbole to me.
The spaceship, asteroids, starfield and planet looked decent.
The 2 frame 'lip synch' smacked of laziness though, as did the way you refuse to change the camera angle when the father speaks.
We've already seen him, so there's no tension.
And if you're showing a frame for so long, like you did with the guy/nun, it might be an idea to spend longer drawing them. The noses specially look kinda awkward - don't have lines around the entire noses - just around one side and around the nostrils. And maybe add in some shading.
It seemed like you were just trying to do the minimum amount of work but all the cut corners show.
Maybe if you cut out the intro, got better voice actors and spent more time doing animation that's not just simple tweens, I might be able to get wrapped up in the story. Currently, it's just ridiculous and made me chuckle. Probably not in the way you want, but there you are.