Pretty good...
The sprites were nice and matched, I liked the music, it was original, and it was also pretty funny haha. Keep up the good work! Overall 7.
And now for something completely different!
This is part of a long running spritecomic series. All sprites are custom and handmade by me and my spriter group, Pixelpunk productions.
As for this video? Stands pretty well on it's own. Also took lots of work on the MS Paint side to put together. It held front page on sheezyart for a short while, and thats my biggest claim to fame when it comes to flash. Enjoy! I brutalized my own character for your pleasure!
Pretty good...
The sprites were nice and matched, I liked the music, it was original, and it was also pretty funny haha. Keep up the good work! Overall 7.
Thanks! I prefer to try make my flash's to showcase spriting as a still-viable method of animation. Guilty Gear, Metal Slug, Trickster Online, fun pixelated games like those are somewhat limited nowadays. I wanna help keep original spriting alive.
As for the music? Anyone who doesn't love Monty Python's humour is a lout. =D
I liked the setting. This was fairly decent. The lil' JJ "Dynomite" at the end was a good touch. Good work.
Yeah I somewhat like just ending any movie I don't know how to end with some obscure humour referancing Good Times. Also, Kahou is somewhat like Lil JJ because he doesn't really have any place in the storyline ever besides shouting out some random shit and throwing banana muffins.
it only got more than 1 cuz i like tacos.
At least we have that in common
It was decent...
Very short, and not a big plot either, but far away from a blam. Good Job!
Thanks! I usually tend to over-complicate my longer flash movie's so I'm somewhat afraid of making anything but sketches. My other movie had 4 scenes and like, 10 layers per scene, And it was generally kinda short. Yeah.. O.o;
Short but sweet.
It was very short but I enjoyed it. I would like to see you flesh your animations out a little.