not bad
not bad for a first flash could use some work though
Bob is cute, red little cube! What will he do today???
Just to clear things:
Ive made it a Intro thats why i called it 'Meet' bob the cube, soo i guess intros can be short :P im sorry if the animations arnt too geat but tis my 1st flash and tbh i was sorta experamenting with what i can do..... anyway i can hopefully made a better movie next episode :D
not bad
not bad for a first flash could use some work though
It's good but could be longer
Basically what's up there.
dude make a new one but add more to it this time but it was great.
good for a first
could be longer, but it was your first so, pretty good. animation could use some work. looking forward to see the rest.
i say wow as in what the heck was that. it was actually the worst piece of dump i have ever watched