I don't really give a shit. So I'll just give you a 10 =o
Like it or do not, I really don't give a shit.
Threw it all together in 20 minutes.
I don't really give a shit. So I'll just give you a 10 =o
Maybe its just because of my comparative deficit of artistic capability and knowledge/understanding of flash but your style, skill and smoothness of motion leave me in awe.
I've enjoyed your shorts immensely, I look forward to seeing more!
A bunch of random shit
"If it's shit then why did you rate 5/5, 9/10???"
I didn't mean shit as being pejorative, but more as a synonym for "stuff". I thought somehow it made sense somewhere in my head, like these bits could get along together.
Aww jeez :(
After watching that, i feel as though any flash i make will get blammed X( Great work though, wish I had your skills.
Wow you're WAY better than me at animation :D
idk how you learned how to use flash,I found it fuckin impossible to learn to use.
idk how you did the warp effect you did in the "varous animations" part but that was pretty neat.
Amazing you already know how to do all of this at MY AGE.You're a pro!