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Flash Clocks

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Apologies, before anyone starts to complain, about the quality of this tutorial. I know the font might be too small, and that the code might be illegible, but it's what I started with. And you know what they say - "start as you mean to go on"....

Basically, I've compiled a super-short set of instructions on how to make your own digital clock in Flash, as there wasn't really a one for it. I used Flash 8 to make both the tutorial and the clock, so codes MAY need changing, although I doubt it.

Yes, this IS the first decent thing I've done in Flash, and the first thing I've uploaded...anywhere. But I'm proud of it. I can only hope that at least one person out there will learn from this, and hopefully, those who require a clock for their game/movie will base their time-keeping devices around my tutorial.

*EDIT* Talk about fast viewing! Lol, thanks to you all for comments, good and bad. I had to start somewhere, and it just so happens I was messing around with Flash and found the Date() function to be pretty neat. But yeah, it probably exists on the web somewhere, and yeah, it could do with a 1000% face-lift. Any criticism is good criticism, in my books. :D

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This is a...

very cool tutorial. I think it would be very useful in some situations. Great Job....vp

Very nifty.

I really think this'll help some people-- Even though clocks in most Flash games aren't used, some are solely based on them (Games that have time limits, atleast). I hope you come out with some more tutorials that help out with more things-- But my advice is to have several things in one big tutorial. Keep it up. And when I pressed on this, I thought I was going to learn about the cl0ck animation. All well. :P

mack2404 responds:

Yeah, time limits are the reason for the tutorial. Also, when you say clock animation, do you mean analog clock with hands going round it?

I, in all my Flash Clock mastery, have got one of those, too. But that's worse than this one........

Congratulations on your movie, but...

The information contained in the movie can be typed up on a web page. In fact, it probably does already exist on a web page. It doesn't necessitate a movie.
The appropriate tools exist for the appropriate problems.

I will go to the library to look up criminal law -- not go to the local cinema.


It's been done before in various tuts you just have to look a little harder, needs effort music better graphics andshowing some uses of it would be nice.

Nice Tutorial!

I liked it!

Credits & Info

2.88 / 5.00

Jul 24, 2008
5:50 PM EDT