ok its ok though people.......
its ok its just animation people dont hate it even so i love Superuber
Im tired of people telling me to animate!!!
i made a moving movie!
now leave me alone
ok its ok though people.......
its ok its just animation people dont hate it even so i love Superuber
ok,this one was a little bit funny and i give u a 7 for what u did :D
that was a decent chance for your first animation and all but i would stick to comics
still funny though
meh, thanks
i wish my name was gabbers.....
was not animation.
that was just a very poorly done movie clip.
you ovbiously have no motivation or drive to animate, and your skills, as far as I have seen arn't really that great.
why did you even bother?
this was animation.
look at the mouth
i did this so people like you would fuck off