I liked the punch line in this flash but I didn't go much on the graphics, they were just too simple and would benefit greatly from some work.
Better graphics
Make it longer
~ DeIvL666 ~
This is a quick movie I made. It has crappy animation but it is funny.
I liked the punch line in this flash but I didn't go much on the graphics, they were just too simple and would benefit greatly from some work.
Better graphics
Make it longer
~ DeIvL666 ~
(title in work)
That was pretty lame. The intro to this movie was just about as long as the movie itself, which is always an annoying feature. Can't say I didn't see the ending coming from a mile away. The voice overs were annoying with some crappy effects put onto them. Overall, I wouldn't recommend watching this one.
Needs some work
Well its notbad but could be improved the stick designs were ok, but i would Suggest that the "VOICES" be improved and that they dont sound like one another
Voices and needs more animation
A good start but needs more
This review I like a lot. You did take it seriously which wasn't my intention, however you made the serious feedback helpful and positive. I hate the trashing I get from people so I trash back and I did. You get no trash though because you are helpful.
Thank You!
could have made it better
Not only...
Did it suck, but the unnecessary use of swearing and how short it was... It was nothing but a waste of time. Make another when you have a better idea of putting out something worth viewing.