This is so much pure win for your first test. But the enemies are standing there and they do nothing, make they attack. Other than that, awesome.
This was just a test for doing madness characters so that's why the other characters don't move much.
This is my first time doing madness so be nice. >:(
comments appreciated.
This is so much pure win for your first test. But the enemies are standing there and they do nothing, make they attack. Other than that, awesome.
If this is really your first animation then you over pass my first animation :D
still great job!
YAY. Good.
Yay. Good. But not your first u liar! >:(
:S pretty good. Keep it up man.
Hehe very good. The animation was
smoooooth, and the way they died made
me rofl. Just add a storyline and make it
longer and u should end up with a nice movie :P
Great job, the movement was fluid, the kills were fun to watch and that uzi catch really did it for me, should try sigining up for madnesscombat .net, we'll love you there if you can keep doing things like that and get better !