oh yeah?
gimme a fuckin brak!
A music video I created for the band Ashborne, I really enjoyed working on this as its fairly different to all the animations I've worked on so far. I also enjoyed the oppertunity to work on it as its a style of music I really like and they're music is really quite awsome!. we spent ages discussing the idea to refine it into something that would work which was certainly an experiance for me as this was my first time making a video for someone else. where the animation wasn't as challenging to me as other projects, the main challenge in this was to get an overall look running through the whole animation and I fell I really achieved that. I certainly feel I've captured the feeling of the music which enables the two mediums to work well together.
In this piece I mixed 3d, 2d animation and photography I took myself and I feel I have created something really nice with them!
Its a video inside a flash file but the whole thing was compiled in macromedia flash CS3. Exporting as a flash would have made it a rather silly file size... one scene was 82mb!
oh yeah?
gimme a fuckin brak!
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/t yokio/brak.gif
its not "fuckin" but will this do?
This is really like music video!!
I mean, hey great job!! Truly act like music video!! Great parallel with the music!!
I loved the song and the movie! Loved how one guy changed others mind
it was good show
it need some talking but it said a lot of stuff even with out words good work on the show
Very nice!
I loved the music and your style did well to create the mood.