my slug lol: joncreavesdingleberry,tyrone,0,7032576,9,4,35,0,8,0,2,Maria,10,99
Slug Designer - A game where you can make your own slugs, learn their life stories, and share them with your friends.
Feel free to post any of your slugs' Slug Codes in your reviews.
EDIT: It appears that Newgrounds automatically adds unnecessary spaces to Slug Codes when you post them in reviews... Grr.
my slug lol: joncreavesdingleberry,tyrone,0,7032576,9,4,35,0,8,0,2,Maria,10,99
lol fun
check ma sluggy Code:GULSPAWTY,AppleHunter,0,16382457,41,16,41,4,5,6, The Story: As a child he was known for bootlegging DVDs. As a teenager, he suffered an addiction cheese. He eventually became the first slug on TV. Soon after he began work in the cake mines. He later married a slug named Linda. Together, they had 28 kids. XD He died at the age of 78