Escape from this flash.
Rly weird but i like
This flash was actually sort of cool.
ooo pretty colours
I like colours :) . Only people that would like this are people that are really high, or enjoy colors... i guess im kinda both :)
haha, thanks!
Yeah, what the fuck? I'm left slightly confused after that movie...what just happened? The only person that would like it would be some weirdo hermit who likes shiny colors and licks his computer screen because he's too scared to go to the supermarket.
So, overall,
so I have a cool friend called wim, but now every time I hear his name or see his face, I will remember this shitty review you left on my masterpiece and I will cry and then wim will ask me what's the matterand then I'll punch him in the face and then cry some more because I just hit my cool friend and he'll be all like hey fuck you man even though he doesn't normally speak english you know and I'll be like well I'll still be crying so yeah and then he'll leave and then I'll go home and eat a strawberry youghurt and then I'll play some tetris on my old gameboy one which I hope to sell in fifty years for a million dollars and then I'll go to sleep and then I'll wake up and make a really crappy flash AND IT WILL ALL BE YOUR MOTHERFUCKING FAULT