Quite good!
Funny to.
So i herd u like mudkips there`s a hidden yes but not telling where
Quiz game
Quite good!
Funny to.
So i herd u like mudkips there`s a hidden yes but not telling where
not too great
The music was horribly annoying and needed a general mute button so if the player had begun play with the music, they could turn it off mid-quiz; the quiz was way too short; a quiz should not contain a question like question eight without a hint; even though it is short a continuation system of some sort is needed, and the ad covers the game over screen.
On a (somewhat) unrelated note you should not antagonize players as you did in your authors comments for several reasons:
1) trolls will instantly say something to upset you, such as, "this is a knock off."
2)players will more than likely respond with a low rating and negative comment
3) assuming a critique is worthless just because the one who wrote it hasn't made flash will only hinder your ability to improve what you make.
just a cheep remake of the stupid quiz!*cough&knockoff*
its a cheep knock off of the impossible quiz and you dont need that from me looking at the responses below. i thought you said newgrounds was for quality flashes
yay it sucks
it sucks really bad it IZ HORRIBBLEZ
um ty i guess