Pretty Boring
A little boring after i got to 3.3k :/ You should add more excitement to the game, like cool weapons and such.
Just something I threw together when bored. Not ment to be anything spectaular, just meant as a small fly in the soup joke :D
Pretty Boring
A little boring after i got to 3.3k :/ You should add more excitement to the game, like cool weapons and such.
Interesting concept.
I like the concept and it was well executed, but there could be some more excitement like power ups and special abilities. Also it was a little glitchy at time. Pretty good on the whole though.
Well this game has pretty good graphics, but I have to say it is boring, you should make it that you can swat the flys and make it a defence game, lol fly defense,
Very boring
I got very bored. It wasn't terrible but it was just repetitive and it seemed like nothing changes throughout it.
1/5 & 3/10
i know u said it wasn't anything spectaular but this is just plain old bad. it could be better if u had up grades or weapons or somthing along those lines. good start but not ready to post.
yeah, but this game was right inbetween game and animation, wasn't really ment to ba a game you sit down and play, but just something you load up for a minute, have a laugh and then move on ;)
Thanks for the comments though.