Best fighting game ever
Game Instructions:
use punch keys or kick keys rapidly to make quick attacks use punch keys or kick keys + forward key to make powerfull attacks. use punch keys or kick keys + back key to block attacks. use rage button + direction keys to make high speed moves. once you learned super attacks, use rage key + punch key or rage + kick to make super attacks. The more you have rage the more they are powerfull. When you have full rage, you will have super powers like super speed and super strength
description : Fighting game with an aventure mode, in which you must travell across the world to find new opponents. The aim of the game is to make as much as money you can with bets. You can pay opponents to join your crew and this way, be able to switch with them during a fight. There are 10 playables characters. There is an online classement for the team that have the most cash.
This game use my new fighting engine, i hope you will enjoy it. 2 completly original games with cicla colloboration will soon be release using these engine.
Best fighting game ever
Great game. I enjoyed it. Great Music and thats why im giving it a 10 wooot!
The game was good but I think you should put 2 player in it so you can fight friends and stuff and you should put more moves in it like 2 and turbo cause when ever I push back and attack it blocked for a long time and it kindda sucked I hope you make another better than this.
i like this
I feel like you spent too much time on presentation, and not enough on the fighting mechanics. It looked great (with the exception of the annoying camera) but the controls were clunky and the fights were boring. you were going the right direction, but somewhere down the road you took a wrong turn.
i think i should have spend much time on a tutorial, because the fight are quit complex. you can even switch char once you have hire them.
i have added a game instruction in the description please read it