flash animations not a big deal
well for me its not you could have the best animation and i still would not like it if it did not have a good story sure good animation helps but not that much
episiode 5 might take awile
flash animations not a big deal
well for me its not you could have the best animation and i still would not like it if it did not have a good story sure good animation helps but not that much
the main thing i stuggled with was this beckkie (i can't spell i'm dis....dis....a bad speller) charicter, and why does she look like she's a member of the akautski?
becouse beckie is my friend in real life and she likes naruto.......and later she get a power that makes her a ninja thomas who didnt apear yet gets the power of a mage but he steals ppls guns thats why u see him with 1 and i have the ability to draw thing to make them real thats why u see me drawing im purple by the way and chris basicly can control other people by splitting his mind or somthing like that
This... survived?
This actually made my ulcer go happy-fun-pain-time...
Way to short and stupid
well the first part-the part playing linkin park- was pretty nice and i liked all the links but the story and the charaters just dont have the touch of animation. but make your movie longer next time.