this game is cool
the graphigs is cool
Hey took a lot of your advice added a much needed map (controls are left and right) and also a story as flimsy as it may be.
Also decided to drop having link for my main character and replaced him with final fantasy 4s Cecil.
Well thats about it for now please comment tell me other improvements i need to make
Update problems occured during publishing need fixing after judgment over sorry
this game is cool
the graphigs is cool
Brymoore! You lier!
If you were the ultimate FF fan,then you would know that Cecil is the main character of FFIV,you idiot! Next time your gonna go brag that your the ultimate FF fan,then go get the whole series and beat it,you idiot! >_>
Anyways,this is a good game. :)
u take the mickey
this is meant to be ff yh it sont sound good and wth is cecil? listen im the ultimate ff fan and ur taking the mick out of the game i most cherish how bout u come back when its good it looks like better graphics the graphics make this game look 19 years old
i like it
it may not be as fast paced as the real thing bu consider squarenix (idk how to spell :) ) is a big company with proper stuff to make games, you have to use flash, so consider that and you know youve done a great job!
and this sucks, no hard feelings
it was meant to already be there as a way to either skip to the last boss or skip the opening story part ok