LOL!! :P
Haha! This game is fun to see what comes out in the end :P
There is only one true King.
Note: this doesn't have a preloader because when I was making this I was pressed for time, and it also has only one game, but it should be ok.
LOL!! :P
Haha! This game is fun to see what comes out in the end :P
kick ass
dude this game kicked ass, but it needs more variation
The one and only King...
This was good, but the arrangement kinda gave it away. And i agree with the people below me, you need more than one set. If possible try to add some randomness to it.
P.S.- Godzilla isn't green; he's charcoal grey.
Ha! Finally, someone who understands! You're absolutely right, he IS charcoal grey. However, I wanted to make it cartoony, and that was one way I could do it. Also, it's a common misconception, so a lot of people would recognize him better if he's green. And I'll try to add more if I do another one, but when I made this I was pressed for time, so I had to cut some things.
I'd play it just for the music!
mad libs!!
I love mad libs and unfortunatly forgot that they exist. Good idea but I need more then one to keep my interest.