Just one screen with 2 enemies :(
I decided to make a serious game to get it out of my head, but all it did was make me want to do it more. This game took a while to do only this demo so dont be quick to judge it. This game will only get better in the full version (expected to be out march or april). This demo is recommended to be played on a high-speed computer.
Opening music - "Come With Us" - Chemical Brothers
In Game music - "Devil's Nightmare" - Oxyde & Neutrino
Just one screen with 2 enemies :(
Nowhere near done, and some of the features, like the mute music option, didn't work. Like a lot of early demos, this shows very little about what the game will be or how it will play, so I can't say this was good by any regards.
A very good game to say the least
wtf is the full version
kick ass graphics, i need the full version
I Love This Game And Cant Wait For Full Version
this was an extremly well made game and looked like it took a month on the graphics alone...i cant wait until the full version comes out please mail me when it does