Very Good
Very good for a first flash!
In fact better than me :/
Hey, NG.
Despite the title, this is actually not my first flash. It's my second. I had planned to practice more animation before I tried to do a flash with some effort put into it, but... short story: my patience is shit. For a second flash, though, it turned out kind of decent.
The purpose of the flash was more or less to find a cartoon-style that worked for me. I'm not a superb artist, and I don't want to work my ass off every frame, but I still want it to be watchable. I sticked with a cartoony style where I try to stay away from tweens and stuff, but only FBF certain parts of the frame while most remain static. This is kind of an objective test drive, to see if it all works, or if it's pure shit.
If you guys like it, I'll stick with the concept. The flash runs for about six minutes. I did my best to keep the file size down, so it's "only" 4.3MB. The "story" is about two friends and a genie made out of pot-smoke.
Happy watching!
EDIT (hopefully not against the rules): If you like this... please remember to recommend it for the Funny Cartoons-collection or something. That would be awesome. :)
Very Good
Very good for a first flash!
In fact better than me :/
This is awesome!
Loved it but obviously not your first, second, or even fifth flash :P
very very funny
you should really make more
I see something thats Death Note related XD
a crappy flash about a crappy flash, ingenious!