An Important, if not Well Done Flash
As first flashes go, I've seen plenty worse, technique wise. Notably though, this is one of only a few flashes with serious messages of those sort on Newgrounds, and it's quite well done in that respect. Technique wise, the animations are choppy but pretty good (animating animals is hard dammit!). I suppose my only criticism other than making the movements smoother would be removing green from the color scheme; it's being a bit anal, but I think it would make the mood still more potent to be rid of such a lively color. A preloader would also be nice.
But this movie's flaws are much redeemed by its message, which is indeed depressing, but very important to get out there. Whether or not you continue on that subject for your flash though, I'll certainly look forward seeing more. (4/5, 9/10)