Nice production, but what's with the burger?
And that disturbing sex tape scene? Not a fan. lol
I am working on "Talking Blox: Big Ass Movie" and Some people have requested I do a preview for what I have so far. So here it is, the epic trailer for Episode one. Since it is only the trailer, don't expect too much.
About the movie: Simply, the "Talking Blox" characters were originaly developed a long time ago by my friend, to lazily represent me and my friends in little comic strips. These comics have evolved. I wrote a "big ass" 12 page comic book and that is what this movie is based on. Ivan from my "Green Feather" story was brought into this comic as a mafia boss, and other more realistic characters were added just to break the monotonous design. The storyline in a nutshell is that Mike is angered by this kid, he sees Ivan to "take care" of the kid. Ivan shoots the kid, but he magically survives. Mike is mad that the kid didn't die, and has Ivan lose his job. Ironically, Ivan also loses his house and has to move in to Mike's apartment. Stefan and Ivan then get high. I will write more and continue the story in more episodes. (I've animated up to the point where Ivan shoots the kid)
The first episode will be done this summer. Hope you all enjoy this.
Nice production, but what's with the burger?
And that disturbing sex tape scene? Not a fan. lol
This looks pretty good! It should be out soon right? I look forward to it.
Talking Blox: Big Ass Movie > Tetris the Movie
It'll be out as soon as my friend gets around to voicce recording. He's taking his sweet time, and he shouldn't be. Thanks for the review.
dude... my names stefan, and my friends name is ivan.. and we know a guy named mike >.< but we didnt get high lol.. thats all we're missing :P
Lol. What a coincincedence.
good job...can't wait for it to come out
Hey dude.AWESOME
Dont know if you remember but I watched you make it haha.Great though.Cant wait for it to come out.It will be awesome