Good times :)
Pico day was awhile ago, I know. But I was gonna make something and I finally finished it this morning. In case you're wondering (which you aren't), this is also a make-up for last week's flash. The next "Worst _____ ever" will probably be done tonight or tomorrow, and then my weekly flash schedule can get back to normal. Anyways, this is a really, really late Pico day submission, in which Pico strikes because Tom won't give him more money. Enjoy. Ha ha, yeah right.
Good times :)
GREATIST FING EVA should change mes voice
yep thats pico!
funny lol
nice job
really good but you lose a point for pico's voice otherwise great
Haha nice
A well made funny Pico day flash,good animation good sound quality (though the voices could have been a bit louder and more emotion) but overall i really enjoyed it and got a kick out of it. =)
Thanks, I'm a terrible voice actor, I know.