i wanted to see..
the dude after he crashes
Please write a review on how i can improve, im still new at making movment look decent.. so any help is greatly appreciated. This one took just over 3 hourse to finish and im quite proud of it.. So yeh, hope you enjoy it and please tell me where i need improvment!
Thanks - Zakeanator
- Button noises now included
- The dog's crap is now bigger and more noticable
- Beggining song has changed - Smaller file!
- Gone from 19 FPS up to 21 to increase speed and appearence of movie
i wanted to see..
the dude after he crashes
Ever watched MTV's Scared? It would look somthing like that.
It is good but the graphics are not very good.
A Skaters Day Out
You've got big potential with this flash. If you keep tweaking it and adding better stuff. It could be great. But try to make the motions a little bit more smooth. Its like the exact physics of a real skateboarder.
Thanks for the support!?
not bad
not bad