Okay game, but filled with bugs
I'm usually not a huge fan of games like these, but I was having enough fun until bugs and other gameplay problems forced me to stop.
Despite what other people have said, I like the cartoony graphics. I think they're perfectly fine for a game like this. Not every game needs anime-style heroes and large-breasted blacksmiths.
But the gameplay... dear god, the gameplay. Here are the issues you need to fix for this game to really succeed:
(1) Let people type in the amount of goods they want to buy, or the amount of money they want to deposit/withdraw from the bank. Buying individual goods, or depositing/withdrawing in increments of 10, becomes extremely tedious when you have thousands of dollars and are dealing in tens of goods, especially because the increments update ridicuously slowly and I can't just hold down the "buy" button. If you don't want to deal with a text interface, then either make the game update and display increments without delay, or give me high-bulk options, e.g. "buy 10" instead of just "buy," or arrows at the bank that let me increase my deposit/withdraw by 100 instead of just by 10.
(2) There are various problems with transport capacity and missions. For example, in the beginning you can only buy two mules for 5 storage each, but the first mission tells you to bring back 20 cases of something. The game rewards you and continues when you bring back 10, but it shouldn't ask you to bring back 20 in the first place. Later on, when you can buy carts, I bought two, but my storage capacity didn't change. I stopped playing around this part, so maybe that was intentional, but it seemed kind of odd to me. It would make more sense for the wagon wheel to tell you the capacity of the extra transport you're buying before you actually buy it, e.g. "Mule $25 5 storage."
(3) Product pricing needs to be more variable. As it is, the early towns are always cheaper and the later towns are always more expensive. The easiest way to beat the system is to stock up in the first town and then go down the line and sell for a fortune. Add more randomness to it. It makes more sense if, for example, town A usually sells product X cheap, but product Y expensive, and town B usually sells product Y cheap, but product X expensive - it creates a more realistic trading route. To make this even better, you can add in random events that cause a certain product's price to drop or rise - like a storm ruining a crop of wheat, so the wheat supply is low and prices skyrocket. You get the idea.
(4) The bandit fights as is are pointless. As far as I can tell, even if I shoot them before they appear to shoot me, I still lose health. Add some element of skill to it. Give me less health, so I'm not guaranteed to survive, but give me an opportunity to shoot them before they can do damage, so that surviving becomes more of a challenge.
I highly recommend that you play through the game yourself once. Find the typos and bugs and fix them. Find the features you really wish were there and build them in. This game got a pretty good score as is, if you tweak it a bit and fix the errors you can go pretty far.