kind of short but overall good
I made this because of boredom and realized my NG account needs some movies, so here's something I whipped with a short time, I made this like with 2 days, it's was easy, the only hard thing was the explosion sound, I had to edit it a little.
kind of short but overall good
Thanks pal!
The new one will be out soon!
It looks pretty good.
The joke didn't really work for me and the movie is too short. But I like that drawing style and the fluid animation. I can see potential.
the flash was great. keep up the good animating!
Thanks, I will =D
Its funny cuz its true ^^
It is, thanks for commenting
You have a good animation style
I must admit, it could benifit heavily by being longer, but I like your art style so I'll vote higher! =)
(btw forgive me for being a smartass but, who the hell listens to Elevator Music on their beat box!?) =D
Don't worry, this is was just a test of how NG people like my flashes, next one will be a music video! =3
(I dun know, some very lazy dude? XD)