That was awesome. Now make a McCain doll, but instead of Hillary Heads, make some spiky lava balls, please.
Well you cant say you didn't see this comming i was just waiting for the perfect music:D Please enjoy this game it is only intended for pure fun:)
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That was awesome. Now make a McCain doll, but instead of Hillary Heads, make some spiky lava balls, please.
That was great! I love the 2D ragdoll physics, and how he can slide through cracks like a greased snake...
That came out wrong, but I'll leave it.
I voted for Romney, so I don't care about any of those guys too much. I love watching the dems tear eachother apart and listening to McCain parodies.
The audio reminds me a bit of a Paul Shanklin parody, actually.
Make one where we can throw Hillary around. Except, for that one, add blood, and sounds of bones breaking. ;-)
gotta find a good hillary song first
Total awesomeness!
This game just made my day!
BTW- where can I get this song?
I may be an Obamanite, but I still find this hilarious.