wow ok...
As some people may know by now i like to do reveiws in a systematic way so my review will actually be long and detailed, so lets get started.. (ehem)
The t itle caught my attention from the get-go, i recognized names of characters.
I noticed alot of jerky motion involved in this submission, it was as though sometimes the sprites where lagging in an MMORPG and appearing in random places... some people may discredit you for using motion tweens but they are a blessing. you may want to try them.
Another thing you should try is moving the camera around so we can see the sprites up close and take the time to get good quality sprites for this, alot of people don't like sprite animation but i feel it is an opinion on their part rather than someone being lazy. Watch some of Alvin-Earthworm's stuff and you will see what i'm talking about.
I didn't hear alot of sound in the submission which is something that can make or break an entire animation. even a little background music can take something dull and boring and give it the kind of depth that will keep them comming again and again.
As for story, you gotta think of something either completely random and funny, or deeply involving and cool... two guys bumping into each other by coincedence and then desiding they was going to beat the crap outta each other for no real reason is uncreative, taking those same two guys and placing them in a situation where it is absolutly important that they be the ones to advance in the story and the other one fail is what gives characters depth.
You have some things to work on, and i know that noone is perfect. take the time to analize some of the other flashes on this site and take some notes. with a little creativity and a willingness to make your submissions shine i beleave anyone can make something that will get 10's