:o wow!
This is a game for 9 year olds, and any feedback would be appreciated.
if you are like, 16, and you think the game is too childish, or easy, think of the age range it is aimed at.
It has PENGUINS in it.
So it is automatically a good game.
(And i know it mucked up, the blue background has turned white :@ That is being sorted out)
:o wow!
ok for 9 year olds
when i got the talking head question wrong it wouldnt let me go back n try agen
sorted out ^^
I 5'd it for the kids sake
but take out the f word if you intned on 9yo playing this come on now
doesnt work
says enter the code to the left... there is no left....
yeah, sorry about that.
the full game is on dreamweaver, so there is a link on the nav bar.
i just needed feedback on the game
yes the penguins do make it cool, but don't know maybe you need an evil looking penguin to add suspense lol