hey good idea
You can make an awesome flash with the idea like this.
yeah, this is a flash about naruto, he comes across a real ninja :0
hey good idea
You can make an awesome flash with the idea like this.
The animation needs work. Plus the voice acting is terrible. Neither of them come across as real Ninjas.
This was great, thanks for the laugh.
i'm a naurto fan.
I"m not saying it's bad cause it makes fun of naruto.
But it could have used better voices, more animation, and better insults then:
'your a ninja and you wear an orange jumpsuit! where'ed you even get that?'
'I got it from Jumpsuits-R-Us BELIEVE IT!'
Plus, naruto doesn't even say believe it that much. The more episodes you watch, the more you see he's grown out of that. So the fact that you used Believe it so many times is just annoying as hell to even non naruto fans.
If anything, I like the design of the ninja guy, he was pretty neat.
I'm sorry the voice actor made me cringe that was awful.