that was funny especially the ghost because it seemed as thugh he was talking to me
happy posting
A ghost has a bad day!
that was funny especially the ghost because it seemed as thugh he was talking to me
happy posting
needs to be longer by the way +...
is that your real voice "Joke"
needs to be longer, though ,
realy ,and it would be a ten,
wait i gave you a ten,
never mind
Good idea
The joke was kinda good but... it just didn't work this time. Sorry
The review was kinda good but... it just didn't work this time. Sorry
hmm 9/10
I liked it but the audio was bad :P thats all i have to say.
Spend more time on it.
Half of the things said couldn't be heard because of the echo. I have a feeling you just did this to show off your learning to change something's colour. If you work on the graphics, add a bit more length & story, add some music, etc. then I would pass it. Till then, BLAM'd.