it was short but I kinda got the humor of it. what was with the blade though?
I decided to make a new category. Intros. What you do, is make an intro for your newgrounds account and post it on newgrounds. So top Fulp, if you are watching this, make "Intros" a catagory.
This is my intro.
it was short but I kinda got the humor of it. what was with the blade though?
My username is fateBLADE
So why would i vote 5 on a 13-yr-old obese boy shooting poorly animated l4z0r beams in his room?
First of all, im 12. second of all, i'm not obease. third of all, i am very smrt... DRR!
Itros may be cool to add or something, If they looked good...
With intros they have to be quick so you can get on with the movie/game.
People don't want to be sitting there watching your long ass intro.
And also, learn how to use gradients properly if you're going to use them.
NO NO NO - You're doing it wrong
I won't even talk about the crappy animation quality or how this was seemingly filmed in front of your refrigerator, but an intro shouldn't be this long, especially when there's no kickass animation to follow. Make something to the equivalent of Brackenwood and you're allowed to have a really long intro, but you'll notice most of the animators here don't make these kinds of things for a reason: they're really annoying. We want to see movies, not crappy graphics and you shooting some laser beams for 45 seconds. Come down off of your pedestal, make an actual movie, and make yourself a much shorter intro, and I guarantee people will appreciate it more.