2 things
preloader (because its too choppy the first time you watch it) and subtitles. it was ok, i didnt like it much
I'm actually making a series based on these two characters. This is the very first time
I ever animated Chris Cutter and Jamba. One of my super early flash projects done for straigjt
laughs and kicks. The series will be better animated and voice acting will also be improved upon but this is still worth a watch for 2 minutes of entertainment. Enjoy.
2 things
preloader (because its too choppy the first time you watch it) and subtitles. it was ok, i didnt like it much
I wasn't expecting much...but
I got a kick out of it.
I look foward to your work.
This is going to be so totally awesome when the first actual episode is made.
on the next one turn down the music or something, cuz i couldnt hear most of what they said
but overall pretty good