perfect cheat
just right click then left click the end
It's finished! (or atleast until i come up with some more ideas) over 20 hard levels spread out on 3 words and over 4 songs to choose to listen to ( I recomend some number 3). Some parts are uncheatable (you'll see how :P) please play the whole game or atleast alot of it until you vote a review. Thanks!
perfect cheat
just right click then left click the end
I didnt hear any music
Good game, easy to cheat though.
u r right
u r right u cant cheat so well at the end
Great Game
I mean dude you dont put more then one exit especailly when only one brings you some where. I dont like this game.
cheating is too simple
Its quite good, but cheating is too easy:
-You can hold down left mouse button.
i assume your lines are a button wich reacts on(mouseOver)
to prevent this way of cheating, add: on(dragOver)
-You can right-click.
i'm not sure if this works but to disable this you should add in your frame:
fscommand("showùenu", "False")
not sure if the last on eworks though.