*Edit; wahay! Thank you so much for the daily fourth place guys! Newgrounds, everyone who watched this and voted in nicely, you're awesome!*
Hi everyone! Finally, ComiX episode one is officially finished! Overall this took 2 months ti create (well,with gaps, so it should really be 3 weeks).In this episode, Gordon and Ian get a visit from a detective, who is searching the vacinity for illegal activity. what's in stall for Gordon and Ian? Watch the episode to find out!
Also includes three bonus animations at the end! AAND, a special guest appears in this cartoon... someone you may actually know who you love and cherish... BLOCKHEAD! Hope you enjoy!
Keep Updated! o0 Will Ryan 0o
I am glad to go back to the past when Diamond Armada was rememberable. I love the Comix series and so should everyone else. You are awesome, Will!
Thank you so so so so so much for keeping the awesomeness that is Blockhead alive.
This was pure awesome
Wow Bravo guys!
Okay before I begin the review HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET SWAIN TO LEND HIS VOICE TO YOU? I mean as far as I know Mike Swain doesn't lend his voice often but you guys apparently sure loved to surprise us.
Well anyway as for the review I loved this movie. It seems this movie was being talked about a lot on Facebook huh Will? Well whatever I digress
That said I got a decent lol out of this and I notice you are improving. Keep it up guys!