It was a cut picture flipping back and forth WITH ARROWS!!! That is truly amazing and original! Keep it up!
Superhuman: Super Dance-Off
Day #10: Elektra
Inspired by AfroUnderscoreStud's series Adolf Hitler in Catching ('em) All in 493+ Days. This series follows all of the world's Superheroes AND Supervillains as they both compete for the title of Dance Champion of the World. This is the third and final installment of the series.
Doctor stranged danced until he finally tired himself out! Now ladies and gents, give it up for Elektra!
(Sorry about the delay between the episodes, some stuff just came up and its hard for me to submit stuff now.)
Leave a review, I respond to all (Within 24 hours).
It was a cut picture flipping back and forth WITH ARROWS!!! That is truly amazing and original! Keep it up!
Will do.
it was just a cut picture flipping back and forth with arrows. Lame.