YEah, but did not understand water snake or the cross one
Some cool illusions
Hit the green circle to go forward
Hit the red circle to go backward
If you have a cool illusion post a link and i might add it.
YEah, but did not understand water snake or the cross one
wow this is cool
i really really really like it
I liked it alot thanks for using my song. it fits the mood perfictly :D
I know when i saw this song i was like OMG IT FITS PERFECTLY
It was nice
I've seen this before but I liked it. The only new ones I know are the " look only at your cursor while you move it across the illusion, and the " blind spot " which surprised me. I really liked that one.
Musica was ok.
Visuals= you have to fix the text, it runs behind the buttons. Also make a higher quality one.
Nice work.
This was nicely done- a nice, easy to use interface with clear instructions. The sound also suited the overall presentation very well. One criticism I do have is that perhaps you could make the instructions stand out a little more, since it is quite easy to skip right past them.. I think I actually missed a few since the images were so mesmerising. But overall, a very nicely presented Flash!
ok i will get right on it :p