nice song lol
This is an original song I wrote and performed on a little Casio keyboard. The idea for the animation sprung to life from the song. It's kind of Happy/Sad, but it continues which is like the lifecycle. Nothing really ends. The sun doesn't really go down, it's just an illusion created by the world spin'n 'round...
I hope you like it!
nice song lol
hmm yep that was different, but thats actually good because it wasn't what i expected... i dont really know what i expected but you did good man something about the music kept me tuned in lol i was just wating for anything to happen lol like the whole screamin face trick :)
I know wut you mean! I hate those scream face trick things! I will never do a scream face entry ... that's a promise. ThanX! I'm glad you liked it.
cute and scary
... whoa, i don't know but it scared me
scary? sure I guess ...
it was ok
i found it to be just a little stagnant but th overall quality was good
stagnant but good? ok, thanks, dude
Nice experimenatal flash
Great sound, magnificant visual effects, the idea of movie is good and nice sound, 10 for originality.
thanX so much, dude!