1| voice ...... it suckedzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz
The beginning of the book My Antonia. Completed for American Lit.
1| voice ...... it suckedzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz
So this is where you have been.
's good.
gotta say...
i REALLY hate that fucking stupid computer voice, EVERY ONE FUCKING USES IT.... and its REALLY irritating. props for the train in the beginning though, i got as far as the voice then i closed it. tip - dont use that computer crap voice for ANYTHING.
well done
I really enjoyed the animation. Also to comment on the background music...it really set the mood right away. I would have just preferred voice acting. But well done!
Nice Flash
I would have perfered some voice acting but the flash was still good. I read this book last year for English, i was a junior, and I hated it. One of the worst books ever, right there next to the scarlet letter, but i like your flash. Good job.