Jack you suck and thanks for the credits....................by the way the password is Rookie
This is a demo for my up coming sports rpg game.
When you start your game check your e-mail (on your computer) for instructions from your coach.
Please give me feed back (ALOT)
this is only a demo.
the real game will be out soon!
Jack you suck and thanks for the credits....................by the way the password is Rookie
damn jack. you goda stop sucking so much!
there is no point to puting an incomplete modle of a crapy noob game. thats what ng alphas are for. use them.
also just load it up to image shack and open up a new bbs thred.
the system that nick made for you is decent but its to confusing to figure out.
You get 1 point for having a menu
the rest was just a waste of time because as soon as you press play
your cursor is basically invisible and it is too much trouble to TRY and click anything and sort out your stats
Made in... 2 days?
The game was very glitchy. You could barely see the mouse, and the password didn't work for me. Try your hand again at drawing the room because the room looked pretty bad. Graphics were bad (Pictures from the internet don't affect score), sound was annoying, interactivity was okay, gameplay was unknown (I tried the password 9 times and I didn't get through.) but sounded okay. Overall a 4/10 and a 2/5. Try spending more time with your game. They are like baby's. pull the baby out of the womb too early, and it looks ugly. Have patience and wait, and it (usually) looks good.
Thats a demo...
....basically it was a demo of the charachter creation. The password doesn't work so I am assuming thats it. Can't really rate it but it is curious.