What happened with the game? I see the comments are from 2008 and you still haven't finished it?
Ok. Ive been makin this game and sort of lost interest. If you guys could tell me if its worth carrying on making it, that would be great. Also add anything u want to see in the proper one. If people like this the next one will have a timer with highscores. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!
Edit: OMFG! didn't expect people to like it this much, cheerz guys. A full length game is comin soon, look out for it. Meanwhile keep tellin me your ideas, I listen to all! :)
What happened with the game? I see the comments are from 2008 and you still haven't finished it?
Great game dude! waiting for full length!
I really like this :D It only needs to be longer. Can't wait to play the full game.
I think so.
Make another one man. This game SHOULD continue.
I liked the style of it a lot. You could do some crazy stuff with this concept. Keep up the good work d00d. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with!