very nice
i enjoeyeed it the others here are slow readers i read it fine it seemed nice and the song was enjoyable. I am also in the clock crew and i wish to add the art was pretty nice aswell.
happy valentines day everyone!
this was a little late but I'm glad i finished it!
Enjoy ^-^
very nice
i enjoeyeed it the others here are slow readers i read it fine it seemed nice and the song was enjoyable. I am also in the clock crew and i wish to add the art was pretty nice aswell.
i have seen you around the CC bbs, if you want to speak through the clock crew message system my name as of now is "Ryuzaki" (skyscraperclock)
glad you enjoyed it :)
yep, not story
whyhellogoledenclockhowareyoutodayiam veryfinetodayonvalentinesdayhappyvale ntinesdaynomeclockwhythankyougoldencl ockyouhavemademydaytodaylolololol!
thats all i could make out, much because thats what i was expecting. the dialogues went by to fast, so i couldn't read them, thus..... no story.
it was just suppposed to be a little movie. nothing big.
Not funny, not story, cant read the dialogues, boring. improve
not story?