that was not very good i mean it was ok but nothing was detailed i mean the ground and the sky were jus brown and blue blobs. maybe u should detail it a little more and give the characters a little more life but u get a 4 for effort.
The height and width got flipped around... sorry for the inconvenience. It is fixed now hopefully.
This is the pilot episode to a series I started in the mid-summer. The project has gone through many changes since then and has been halted several times. Now to put some of you veiwers and my co-producer WWEfan at ease here is the pilot episode for Transformers: Decepticon Conquest.
Its a pretty quick/epic? fight scene between my favorite good guy and bad guy from Transformers. WWEfan thought it would be wise to end the fight with a cliffhanger and thats what I did... yea probably some of you are ticked right off.
My artwork and animating skills have come pretty far since the trailer. Feel free to watcht he trailer and then this and give CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. I recently learned the blur tool.
Done at 25fps with FBF and Tweening.
The boarders were 300 height and 450 width.
This marks MY first flash animation with the camFrame.
that was not very good i mean it was ok but nothing was detailed i mean the ground and the sky were jus brown and blue blobs. maybe u should detail it a little more and give the characters a little more life but u get a 4 for effort.
That was pretty cool. I hope to see more of the series. It looks to be quite exciting!
it was alright
the graphics weren't really good
If I used the detailed graphics the movie would lag. Would you rather have bad graphics and a sweet battle or good graphics that just skip around randomly?
Decent artwork, plenty of action, seems good enough! The only real thing that got on my nerves is the size of the film, it constantly changed to be different sizes. Try to stick with a solid frame unless it's for zoom in like moments.
Preloader needs to be fixed.