Not bad!
Heck, not a bad game. Similar to others I've seen. But not bad at all! It should get more challenging as you progress... it seems to easy to avoid the rocks. I did run out of fuel, so that makes it harder. Nice job.
This is my very first game, before this I made a couple of projects that I was too impatient to complete. So first thing I've published, my first step into the flash world.
Thr-ust-eroid is a one button game, you have a ship, which keeps falling unless you give it a Thrust(spacebar). The object of the game is to avoid oncoming asteroids, watch your fuel level and catch fuel barrels and travel the maximum possible distance.
EDIT** I was too impatient to make a button and link the credits frame that I had created, should mention in the commentary that I took substantial help from Emanuele Feronato's tutorial. I had to dump most of the code which was using filters, substantially change or substitute the rest of the code and the artwork was only explanatory.
EDIT** I didn't expect my game will be liked by a single person, but still a score above 2.5 seems very nice to me ( for my first game) I am working on a sequel which basically uses the same engine but has levels and better graphics etc.
Not bad!
Heck, not a bad game. Similar to others I've seen. But not bad at all! It should get more challenging as you progress... it seems to easy to avoid the rocks. I did run out of fuel, so that makes it harder. Nice job.
Thanks for your time, I appreciate it.
Emanuele Feronato
if you're going to copy a tutorial, you could at least mention which tutorial you copied from and what you changed to make your version worthwhile.
thanks for your time anyway =smirk=
its fun
Very fun, similar to helicopter game, but it definitely is addictive. nice job.
Its ok
Its a simple game and it was fun. It was addicting at first but after a while it got repetitive, But over all good job
Hey neat
I really like the idea behind this game. Really only needs some minor improvements to sound and visual effects. It'd be a hit. =D