Squigo 2 ELECTRIC boogaloo!
This is the second episode, a little longer this time, I also tried to make it a little less predictable. Thanks for the support thus far, please leave your comments.
UPDATE: working like a dog but still trying to get a new animation out to you guys (by the way, thanks for all the support). I'm working on Episode 3 right now (currently unnamed) but i'm sure you guys will like it.
Squigo 2 ELECTRIC boogaloo!
I appreciate how it was better than the first one. It wasn't great, but it did lead up to a good joke. I felt like you could have put numerous deaths in one thing. You could make it a game. Happy Tree Friends did stuff like that. The animation was fairly good.
I really had no idea what would happen next. He's a moron for not throwing it down when he saw the dog peeing. Well, he doesn't look smart either. While not that unique, still good. The sounds were nice and cartoonish.
He stands up again! xD
less obvious and funny
all migthy hair
hehe wery classic and awesome