garrys mod sounds?
this game sucks... just like most of the ones this guy makes no story no intro not even a break between waves. and are you using garrtys mod sound fx?
Defent the world from meteors!
garrys mod sounds?
this game sucks... just like most of the ones this guy makes no story no intro not even a break between waves. and are you using garrtys mod sound fx?
Very interesting concept. I have no desire to play more than once, but it is a good idea. It needs some sort of upgrade system or evolution of the defense, like draw faster or have temporary assistants, temporary large brush? Really neat though.
Could have been better
You obviously have talent, as your effects were nice. But the game is boring, plain and simple. It gives the player no real reason to play it, nor does it give them reason to keep playing it. Make the meteors come in waves, add breaks during which you can buy powerups, add different types of meteors or aliens or whatever. Until this game improves, it's not going anywhere.
this game gets boring after a minute
good, could be better
You might think about splitting up the waves and like after each wave, you get so many points, depending on wave difficulty, and the points could be spent to upgrade like bigger pen size, stronger wall, thicker build area etc