look like you are mad xd
it is not too much exagerated???
look like you are mad xd
it is not too much exagerated???
ok it said to give criticism and here it is try doing somthing
yea ok...
umm what exactly am i looking at? i mean is this like some kind of..... what?...... like spam? are u trying to make a spam series? cuz we got enough of that already and ive seen better spam lol... im sorry but no...No.
im sorry i watched it and..was there sumthing i missed..i heard music...a cat like object and a rainbow in the back...if u are between the ages of like 7 and 12 then ok cool keep going develope ur skills in flash however if ur age falls outside of tht please explainwhat tht was exactly b/c i don't get it..i really am not trying to b rude or mean or w/e though thas how this comes off..im just rrreeeaaaalllyyyy confused
Nothing Personal
Not to sound too negative or anything, but I had no idea what the heck this movie was suppost to be showing. Secondly, the music didn't seem to sync up properly at first, or perhaps that is just how it starts. Anyway, try putting a little more animation in your movies next time.